This article, part 2 of 2, describes the top bad habits and lifestyle choices that could lead to early tooth loss in adults.
There are so many people that incorrectly assume tooth loss to be a natural part of aging, but it really shouldn’t be! With the correct home oral hygiene routine, regular attention from the dentist and a healthy balanced diet, there is no reason why you can’t enter into your late adulthood with both dental arches intact! In our previous article installment, we presented the first three dental sins to avoid if patients want to keep their full set of natural teeth. In this, the second part of our series on NYC dental implants, we shall present the remaining four dental sins. By adhering to these guidelines, you can enjoy a lifelong beautiful and healthy smile while avoiding the unnecessary expenses associated with having NYC dental implants placed.
NYC Dental Implants: Dental Sin # 4 ~ Avoiding the Dentist
When it comes to your general and oral health, prevention is always better than cure. By going to the dentist once every six months, any existing and potential problems can be diagnosed and treated before they have a chance to cause irreparable damage, such as tooth loss. Infection and decay that would otherwise lead to periodontal (gum) disease and the need for NYC dental implants can be stopped in their tracks with the right treatment, so don’t be an ostrich with its head in the sand. If you don’t want to end up needing NYC dental implants before you’re 40, then make sure you go for a check-up and a professional cleaning every six months.
NYC Dental Implants: Dental Sin # 5 ~ Ignoring a Missing Tooth
This may sound odd, but another major cause behind tooth loss, is tooth loss to begin with! People that frequently require oral rehabilitation with multiple NYC dental implants made the mistake of ignoring an initial problematic tooth. One may think, “A tooth gone missing at the back of the mouth can be ignored because it’s not quite visible when I smile”. However, it only takes this single missing tooth to upset the stability of the entire dental arch (and the opposite arch) and to increase one’s risk of pervasive bacterial infection. If you have lost one or more of your teeth over the years for any reason, seek professional attention immediately and have them replaced with NYC dental implants.
NYC Dental Implants: Dental Sin # 6: Excessive Alcohol Consumption
Drinking excessively is not only terrible for your general health; it also causes a host of problems for your oral health, including tooth loss and the need for NYC dental implants:
• Irritation and inflammation of the tongue, gums and oral tissues
• Labored post-operative healing and an increased risk of NYC dental implants failure
• Excessive drinking is linked with poor oral hygiene, a bad diet and other negative lifestyle habits such as tobacco use.
• Due to the high levels of sugar and acid in most alcoholic drinks, excessive consumption causes an increased risk of tooth decay, periodontal (gum) disease and oral cancer.
Dental Sin # 7: Drug Abuse
Drug abuse – whether it’s prescription or illegal medications – is a death-sentence on the health and longevity of your smile. People in their 20’s and 30’s who have been abusing drugs for years can appear decades older thanks to the effects these terrible substances have upon their teeth, gums, skin and eyes. This is not even accounting for what must be going on beneath the surface! Unfortunately too, NYC dental implants are of little use if the patient does not seek treatment for their addiction.
A Final Note on NYC Dental Implants
By leading a healthy lifestyle, maintaining a rigorous home oral hygiene routine and seeking regular attention from the dentist, we can enter into our late adulthoods with all of our original pearly whites. Do what you can to avoid the need for NYC dental implants, even though they offer the most sophisticated tooth replacement solution today!
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